All Your Houseguests Are Belong to Us!

The Hamsters are Currently:



Hanging at the Pool. Remember, It only takes 440 laps to make a mile!


Cooking up trouble

All dressed up with Nowhere to Go

Hopped up on Sugar

Sick (and Tired)

Digging their own Graves

Saturday, July 08, 2006

5:00pm HT

The truth comes out. Remember back in Season 5 when there was a YOOOGE hoopla about Jase peeing in the house and on towels and stuff? Huh? Remember?

Well, it turns out that just before the hammies were going to compete, and BB had sent the hammies to separate areas of the house so they couldn't see how the other hammies were doing ... Jase was speaking into his mic telling BB that he had to pee.

Repeated requests to BB to allow him to go pee went unanswered, so Jase said (into his mic) "I'm going to fold these towels up in the corner over here and pee on them unless you stop me because if I don't, I'm going to pee my pants". Well, BB didn't stop him, so that's exactly what Jase did.

After the competition, Jase took the towels and put them into a garbage bag and left them with the trash in the storage room to be disposed of. His mistake was telling Pretty Will, who immediately made a big deal out of it and turned it into the now infamous "Jase is peeing on peoples things in the house".

Nakomis attests to the fact that Pretty Will made a huge deal out of it and blew it way out of proportion. Jase admits that .. Jase being Jase, he took the attitude of "Yeah, I peed on stuff".

I think that's hilarious. I remember that being a YOOOGE deal that season.

Comments on "5:00pm HT"


Blogger lifeonhold said ... (6:19 PM) : 

I think the best part was Jase's response to something that could have been easily explained. This makes me like him a little more. Yikes!


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